
Showing posts from August, 2016

Summer Update

With a hectic last few weeks I have finally found a few spare hours on the way to Liverpool (for my first Standard Triathlon tomorrow eek) to write a quick blog update! The last couple of months has been a very exciting busy time for Angus and I with the move to Nottingham and starting the work on doing up our house (plenty of wallpaper scrapping). My blog this month will include race reports for ·       Leeds Elite Aquathlon ·       Leeds Open Triathlon ·       Woodhall Spa Sprint Triathlon ·       Lidl Bananaman Elite Triathlon Leeds Elite Aquathlon and Leeds Open Triathlon On Friday the 10 th June my parents, my brother and I headed to Leeds, it had only been two weeks since my race in Lisbon and after having my best performance of the season there I was excited to try and top it. When we arrived in Leeds the smiles had definitely been wiped off our faces. With our ...